It was something like:
// Give the user the option to disengage so that he or she or it can rejoin later
Because I'm writing professional code that could possibly be read by thousands of people, it was different from, say, a blog post, where one can write whatever he wants. ;) Writing code also means there is a limit to how many characters I can put on a line, and in this case I had 100 characters, which includes tabbing. So what does one do when faced with this dilemma?
A lot of people would just write "they", as in "so that they can rejoin later", but
I'm a big fan of Spivak pronouns, which are words that were made up for the sole purpose of giving English some gender-neutral singular pronouns. Instead of "she", "her" and "hers", you might right "ey", "em", and "eirs". But I'd get a considerable number of questions in my code review if I used "ey".
Grammar Girl--a blog that everyone needs to bookmark--suggests you rewrite your sentences to avoid the problem, which is what I did. Something like "Give the user the option to disengage so that rejoining later is possible". The Grammar Girl also says that "they" is the future of generic singular pronouns, but I hope not. I am a huge fan of not changing the definition of the English words so that, thousands of years from now, English speakers will be able to read current texts with no trouble. Adding new words (like Spivak pronouns) is fine. And there's no way to tell if a pronoun is referring to a single entity or multiple when you use "they".
A friend also suggested using "s/he", which probably would've served my purposes just as well.
Update: Everyone should just use singular "they".
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